Thursday, March 11, 2010


And I don't mean the Jacques Tati movie, but really.... time to play. Play England, Skills Active and LGA (Local Government Association) hosted a four nations symposium on the 4th March (the four nations being England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) called "Playing the long game."

The focus was on how to sustain and broaden the investment in play critical to tackling the rise in anti-social behaviour. Providing public spaces to children to engage in positive activities was also discussed.

"The conclusion drawn from the symposium is that the four nations will call for a UK-wide commission on play, by bringing together evidence from across the nations and ensuring that play is a serious part of policy making. The symposium resulted in a commitment by the nations to keep play at the heart of the policy making that affects children’s lives."


(The photo is a still from the Playtime movie, worth watching if you've never seen it...)

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