Daylesford Primary School in Australia
Primary School, to talk about the benefits of the school's kitchen
garden program and he's stuck for words. There are so many, he says, he
doesn't know where to start.
"In a garden there is nature, science, maths and vocabulary; in a
kitchen it's the same. It crosses over into so many areas of the
curriculum," Burke says.
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"Once a week, students from Years 3-6 spend an hour in the regional
Victorian school’s kitchen garden, learning how to grow things.
The next week they spend 90 minutes in the adjacent purpose-built
kitchen, learning how to cook what they’ve grown. And then they all sit
down to share a meal, learning a skill increasingly under threat in the
modern era: how to eat. Not just for nutrition, but for the social
skills integral to a shared meal, for dining etiquette, setting the
table, using cutlery and more."
And, there's a
how to grow things. The next week they spend 90 minutes in the adjacent
purpose-built kitchen, learning how to cook what they've grown. And
then they all sit down to share a meal, learning a skill increasingly
under threat in the modern era: how to eat. Not just for nutrition, but
for the social skills integral to a shared meal, for dining etiquette,
setting the table, using cutlery and more. - See more at:
how to grow things. The next week they spend 90 minutes in the adjacent
purpose-built kitchen, learning how to cook what they've grown. And
then they all sit down to share a meal, learning a skill increasingly
under threat in the modern era: how to eat. Not just for nutrition, but
for the social skills integral to a shared meal, for dining etiquette,
setting the table, using cutlery and more. - See more at:
Primary School, to talk about the benefits of the school's kitchen
garden program and he's stuck for words. There are so many, he says, he
doesn't know where to start.
- See more at:
Primary School, to talk about the benefits of the school's kitchen
garden program and he's stuck for words. There are so many, he says, he
doesn't know where to start.
"In a garden there is nature, science, maths and vocabulary; in a
kitchen it's the same. It crosses over into so many areas of the
curriculum," Burke says.
- See more at:
Primary School, to talk about the benefits of the school's kitchen
garden program and he's stuck for words. There are so many, he says, he
doesn't know where to start.
"In a garden there is nature, science, maths and vocabulary; in a
kitchen it's the same. It crosses over into so many areas of the
curriculum," Burke says.
- See more at:
Primary School, to talk about the benefits of the school's kitchen
garden program and he's stuck for words. There are so many, he says, he
doesn't know where to start.
"In a garden there is nature, science, maths and vocabulary; in a
kitchen it's the same. It crosses over into so many areas of the
curriculum," Burke says.
- See more at: